Monday, 5 August 2013

Finding Work-Life balance

Posted by Unknown at 10:54 0 comments
What can we do in order to maintain Work-Life balance?

Work/Life Balance is something that a lot of people have problems with, whether they are or CEO’s or plumbers. In an attempt to not overwork myself and burn out I've read a lot of blogs and articles on the subject and decided to share some tips that helped me achieve work/life balance. 
  • Focus on what you can control: We focus on controlling and changing things around us, and because of that we feel we have no control. The only factor we can control is our thoughts, our feelings, expectations, behaviours, strengths, and weaknesses. We have to learn to be able to identify what part of the situation is under our control and focus on that.
  • Avoid burnout: Make time for yourself. Eat regular healthy meals daily.
    Develop good sleep habits. Don’t bring work to bed. 
    Exercise. Walking is free and does not need an appointment or up front membership fee. Learn as many relaxation techniques as you can and try to identify the one that works for you. Get a doctor and consult him, at least yearly.
  • Manage YOUR time: Learn to manage your time efficiently at work.
    Be organised, try not to over-commit yourself. 
    Accept and recognise that you cannot do everything. Establish priorities that include yourself, and your family and friends. Set and maintain limits. Learn to say "No" Don't try to please everyone.
  • Time management: Take regular breaks and holidays. Do not wait for a crisis to force this. Day trips work wonders. Picnics in nice places are a great option. Walk by the river or the lake. Drive without radio or music. Sometimes, do something you want to do, not something you have to do.
  • Good enough is good enough: Anticipate and prepare for situations, both at home and at work. Don’t spend time trying to do things "the way it has always been done," or the "perfect" way. Search for options. Have realistic expectations of yourself.
  • Make space for non-work activities: Find passion in something else, not related to work. Make it a rule not to take your work home. If you have to do this, it should be the rare exception to the rule. At home, define when and where you will work, and stick to these parameters. Give your family and friends your full attention when you are with them. Look for and enjoy humour on a regular basis. Share a laugh with family, friends, and colleagues.
  • Value the time well spent: Take time for yourself and your family and friends without feeling guilt. Acknowledge your guilt, and let it go. See this time as an investment that strengthens you and allows you to be better available for all your other responsibilities.
  • Support: Seek and use supports. Make your family a priority. Have at least 1 good friend. Share your concerns with trusted colleagues. Get a mentor. Ask for help if you need it.
  • Money: Create a financial plan. Stick to basic principles, and reduce non-deductible debts. Learn to say no to extravagance. Keep it simple.
  • Recognition and Appreciation: As humans, we need to feel appreciated for what we do. As a group, you can explore ways to make someone feel appreciated and encourage doing this more often. Some ideas include writing a short thank you note on a Post-it and sticking it to paperwork, celebrating birthdays and special events as a group.
  • Dynamics at the workplace: Find the way to communicate in person, go for lunch with your colleagues.
    Relate to your colleagues as people, not just someone with whom you work.
It’s your Life - to balance

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